Range of Motion: Pulp, Tuke, Dread, Taste, Pisto
02/01/2019 - 02/23/2019

Opening Reception: February 1 (6 - 10 PM)
Black Book Session: February 21 (6 - 9 PM)
Range of Motion is a new collection of works by mural and graffiti artist PULP. Also featuring select works from prominent Denver-based graffiti/mural artists TUKE, DREAD, TASTE, and PISTO.
I started painting at a young age but I’ve been writing graffiti since late 1991, I didn’t really start getting anywhere with it until at least 1992 or 1993. I’m based out of Denver, Colorado, and the biggest influences for me early on were the local guys back then, Rasta 68, Love, and Eyesix. I’m in DF Crew, which I’ve always admired for their all out skill, diversity, bombing acumen, and personalities. Perhaps one of my biggest influences has been Emit, his skills are top notch and his dedication to his craft has always kept me on my toes. Though Sub, East, Jive, Ewok, When, Scribe, Vogey and Rapes (RIP) all played a part in inspiring me and keeping me motivated over the years. Of guys who are out of my crew that I really respect all of 3A guys, especially Ges and Kem, Ekose22, The Creatures Crew, CBS, MSK, UTI, UPS, Jher451, Zek, Hoacs, Scan (RIP), Zehb, Dread.. just to name a few. However I’m also influenced by many things outside of the graffiti world as well. Anything from classic fine art painting, to commercial art, sign painting and typography in general, graphic novels and anime, really anything that sparks creativity.. I like my letters to have a certain flow, and do my best to make them interesting by themselves as well as in a group. I go back and forth with adding bells and whistles, sometimes I love making them all techy while others just simplicity speaks to me. The thing I love about graffiti and art in general is that it keeps me constantly looking for new approaches to doing the same things. Always looking for new ways to make it challenging and different.. it keeps me learning
A staple of Denver’s street art community – where he knows everybody – Dread founded CRUSH WALLS nine years ago. Back then, he was worried about public perception of graffiti art and wanted to share it as a positive medium, capable of uniting the community. Moreover, he is also a talented graffiti artist. His work can be seen in Aurora and Denver, where you can find one of his murals at the corner of William and 37th.
Taste is a prominent graffiti artist renowned throughout the USA for his train-cart graffiti and masterfully complex wall writing.
Pisto is a well-known artist operating out of Denver, CO. He specializes in mural/graffiti art, illustration, and tattoo work.